There are always decsions that everyone has to make during the course of a day. Several of these decisions are utimately made over the course of one's lifetime. But nothing, and I mean NOTHING, is more important than the dilemma I am about to present to you. Question will be supported by "more than ample" reasoning.
Would you rather use "pink cycle tires" or "blue speedos"?
There are two current views of by myself - a pink tire supporter - and one by my friend David (aka, the "marble bag" collector). Scoring is below:
1. Even though I do not have a pair of pink tires, mine do have a red perimeter color that will eventually...Yep, you guessed it, fade to pink. And I am OK with that becuase the tires rotate a at an "above average" speed therefore will look more like a "pink flash" that lighting sometimes has as it connects the ground and sky. Unlike my fellow counterpart, his blue speedos slowly (and I mean not as fast as a bike) drag through the waters of the YMCA pool so everyone can see - and clearly get a good shot of. So on this point alone the score is: PINK TIRES 1 - BLUE SPEEDOS 0.
2. Pink is found on the color wheel next to - or very close to - the color red...RED MEANS HOT ! ! ! is associated with COLD....hmmmm, in the color water and all of a sudden - BAM - "like a frightened turtle." PINK TIRES 2 - BLUE SPEEDOS 0.
3. Pink Tires would be the envy of Team Mobile. Just think if - when he was still riding - Jan Ulrich came to my house and asked to ride my bike. I know, not likely - but plausible. Blue Speedos....Greg Louganis? PINK TIRES 3 - BLUE SPEEDOS 0.
4. And the MOST IMPORTANT in making a decision between the two....You can't "see through pink tires" PINK TIRES 4 - SPEEDOS 0.
So with that brief analysis...I bid a "farewell" to the theory of wearing blue speedos. Unless of course my wife wanted me to secretely wear them one time as we role ..... Ah, Sorry, got side tracked.....
Didn’t the YMCA list Speedo’s as inappropriate wear? Come on… little kids will be harmed for a lifetime. Trust me. Pink tires get my vote.
My eventual plan is to combine the two, wearing the speedos on the bike, adorned with fabulous pink tires, handgrip tassels, and a big safety flag.
Oh my....
I do have to say, David looks hawwwwwttttt (in my best Paris Hilton voice) in those spedos though.
David, don't forget the basket in the front of your bike, plus a pink aero helmet - now that's haawwwwwtttt....
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