Monday, May 14, 2007

Been a LONG TIME has been a long time since I last "blogged". So without further delay...I would like to give each one of you a taste of what has been going on in my life since my last "blog"....

here I go....(think, think).


Just kidding. One of the more memorable events that took place was seeing my good friend - and his "marbles"- compete in the Triathlon at Clemson University. The event was Saturday morning and really was quite enjoyable...Especially when David came out of the water in his tri-suit...YUM. wife and I spent the morning just relaxing as we watched the athletes compete in the "FU 3 times" events. All in was a good day.

David really did very well...especially during that last little "bitch sprint" to the finish off....(if you had that much more at the left ALOT in the tank). What am I talking about...I am the one that cycles at a cool 15mph while David flys by me at 25mph...then waits...and repeats.

But to all of you as I close this blog...I will say one thing....

I will continue to entertain you with my were not forgotton. Just that sometimes the hamster in my head "stops running on the wheel".


Mendy said...

You crack me up, Scott! Glad you guys came out. David was especially excited about it. Ya'll made hime a little more nervous as usual. It was a fun time!

I did think you had left blogworld. Glad I can count on your blog daily to make me chuckle.

Mendy said...

... I can't talk right and I hate it when I mispell.. "him", and I meant to say more nervous than usual. hehe. it's late too...

David said...

'Bout freakin time. I thought those new pink tires and gel handlebar inserts had you surfing the Linday Lohan chat boards! ;-)

Seriously, though, I appreciate you and Robin coming out to see if I had trimmed my pubes or not for the finish. I look forward to the G'ville tri clinic, and hope I can add something to the fun.

Mendy said...

Oh my, David....